Louizalaan 176 - 1000 Brussel


Before each anesthesia the general condition of your pet must be checked. Because there is always a risk, each patient must be individually evaluated and a suitable protocol must be chosen in function of the patient.
we offer 3 types of Check up's of which the owner can choose.

  1. Check up 1 is a general clinical inspection.

This is advisable if your pet recently had blood tests and is already known at Vetocambre.

  1. Check up 2 is a general clinical inspection, blood analysis and urine analysis.

This is advisable if your animal is in a good condition but hasn’t been checked for a long time.

  1. Check up 3 is a general clinical inspection, blood analysis, urine analysis, ultrasound and X-ray examination.

This is advisable if your pet already has a medical history, is older or if you want to exclude all risks. Animals older than 8 years must always undergo a blood analysis in order to exclude risks related to a disturbed metabolism.

For maintenance anesthesia we work with isoflurane, a very safe anesthetic gas that ensures a quick wake up. During the narcosis, specialized devices such as a capnograph and a pulse oximeter ensure careful monitoring of your pet. All patients receive an intravenous catheter and they wake up quietly in the recovery that is specially equipped for this purpose. We find it very important to keep your pet pain free and let your pet wake up as comfortable as possible.

For more information about surgery

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