Louizalaan 176 - 1000 Brussel


Does your pet have an open wound, breathing problems, bloated belly, consciousness problems, suffer from severe vomiting or diarrhea and does your pet need urgent treatment? You can reach us here (contact link)

The Vetocambre team has been trained to deal with emergencies and trauma.

Blood and urine analysis, medical imaging and monitoring are directly available on spot, this makes it possible to quickly take care of your pet.
Specially for severe trauma caused by traffic accidents or falling out off a window our team has the knowledge and equipment to take care of your pet from the emergency and critical care to the orthopedic surgery after stabilisation.

Vetocambre can be reached at any time during the hours for any emergencies.
During the weekends and during the night hours you will be transferred to one of our vets on duty.

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