Louizalaan 176 - 1000 Brussel

Parasites & Prevention

Internal Parasites

E.cuniculi stands for Encephalitozoan cuniculi. It is a common infectious disease in the rabbit. It is found all over the world. The parasite forms spores and these end up in the environment through the urine of the rabbit. The infection is transmitted via these spores. The spores of the parasite enter the body through the intestine and then go through the bloodstream and lymph lanes to multiple organs. The parasite usually locates itself in the kidneys and brain, and sometimes in the lungs, liver and heart muscle. The parasite can also be passed on through the placenta if the rabbit is pregnant, so that the young are already infected in the womb.

The most important symptoms are neurological problems such as; paralysis, a crooked head and falling over. But it can also go without symptoms. Very rarely have there been cases where E. cuniculi caused an infection in humans, but only in people with reduced immunity.

If you want to know more about this parasite or suspect your rabbit, but here an appointment.

External parasites

External parasites are parasites that live on the outside of the animal.



There are many types of mites, the best known mites in rabbits are ear mites and fur mites. Mites are arachnid insects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Many rabbits have mites without being bothered by them, only when the resistance diminishes will there be complaints. The infection of mite can be caused by other animals or the hay and straw. The mites live in the skin and are difficult to control. Most anti-mite remedies do not kill the eggs, so repeating the treatment is very important. Symptoms include white flakes, skin irritation, scratching, bald spots and scabs. If you want more information about mites, please contact us.

Ear mite

Ear mite lives in the rabbit's ear canal. In the initial phase, a white, wax-like earwax is formed. If the ear mite is there for a longer period of time, thick, black-red, grainy discharge is created and the earcup becomes full of scabs. The rabbit is itchy, he will shake his head and scratch the ears. The earcup becomes thicker and redder. If the ear mite remains untreated, it can even spread to middle ear infection or meningitis. Your rabbit will have scabs on the ear, bald spots around it and suffer from excessive ear wax.


Fleas are the small black insects that live on the rabbit's blood. Fleas can easily jump from animal to animal and lay eggs in the environment. You can go to vetocambre for more information.

Always pay attention, some flea and dog fleas are harmful to the rabbit. So always be well informed.


Lice also suck blood and irritate the skin of the rabbit. Lice lay white eggs in the fur of the rabbit, in a dark fur they are clearly visible. Because unlike the flea, the louse lays its eggs in the fur, infection of other animals is less likely. During treatment, it is important that the lying area and the fur are properly cleaned. Fleas and lice can transmit other diseases, so correct control is important.


Outside rabbits can suffer from ticks. Ticks fill with your rabbit's blood. The tick will blow up and you can find it in your rabbit's coat. Ticks can transmit diseases, therefore control of the coat is important.


Wet fur with skin damage or relief from the rabbit's butt are a breeding ground for the blue-green fly. The fly lays its eggs in the wounds or in the fur in the fur. As soon as the eggs hatch, the larvae crawl under the skin of the rabbit. It is very painful and can lead to death.

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